Just like the AllSeen Alliance member base, AllJoyn® MeetUps are expanding, both in terms of participation rates and geographical reach. In March, the Shenzhen AllJoyn MeetUp Group hosted its first meeting together in China. In partnership with AllSeen Alliance member, Midea, an industry leader in appliances, and Smart Appliance Technology Research Center of Guangdong., a research center of Vkan Certification and Testing Co., Ltd. for the development of Smart Appliances in Guangdong, the event brought together 40 local developers with members and non-member companies alike from Southern China.

During the MeetUp, six speakers from Midea, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, FreeWings Technologies ,Beijing SmartConn, and Smart Appliance Technology Research Center of Guangdong introduced AllSeen Alliance, the AllJoyn framework, and the community. The event proved a great opportunity for discussion and also allowed AllSeen community members to share their experiences with the project. After the presentations, many attendees vocalized their gratitude for the knowledge transfer and inquired to learn more about AllSeen Alliance. The Shenzhen MeetUp group hopes to carry this positive dialogue and momentum into future meetings.

We look forward to hearing more stories like this from the Shenzhen MeetUp group as we further the IoT ecosystem one collaborative discussion at a time. Find the AllJoyn User Group MeetUp nearest you at https://allseenalliance.org/framework/user-groups.
